luyued 发布于 2011-03-04 17:12 浏览 N 次中山大学中国语言文学系专业选修课西方诗学作业:
By “civilization” I mean the totality of man’s achievement in shaping his distinctively human life, his domination and exploitation of nature, his creation of familial, tribal, and civic organizations, his establishment of ethical and religious values, and that subordination of instinct to reason, of “nature” to “convention,” which is the precondition of all these. Until recently, western man’s view of civilization has been based on the modern idea of progress, a total confidence in the power of reason, and especially scientific reason, to master nature with ever-expanding control and increasingly beneficent results.
For the Greeks civilization (for which there is no single Greek word) is something more basic and also more precarious. Within the structure of Greek thought, civilization—the totality of man’s social organization and cultural attainment—occupies a mediate position between the “savage” life of the bcasts on the one hand and the eternal happiness of the blessed gods on the other. Civilization is the impersonal forces of nature and his own potential violence on the one hand and the remote powers of the gods on the other.
The next chapter will explore more fully some of these implicit definitions of civilization relevant to tragedy. As a preliminary statements, Vico’s “three human customs” come close to the essentials of the classical views: “ All [nations] have some religion, all contract solemn marriages, all bury their dead. And in no nation, however savage and crude, are any human actions performed with more elaborate ceremonies and more sacred solemnity than the rites of religion, marriage and burial… From these three institutions humanity began among them all, and therefore they muse be most devoutly guarded by them all, so that the world should not again become a bestial wilderness.”
What is particularly characteristic of classical Athens, however, is the focus of definitions of civilization on the polis, the city-state. Aristotle’s Politics, the culmination of this attitude, virtually hypostatizes the polis as the fundamental unit of civilization. Man is a being who by nature is political. He is lawful and amenable to law; political action—deliberation, decision, legislation, and, alas, litigation—is his most human activity. Civilized life for the fifth century is unthinkable without the polis, a bounded space dividing the human world from the wild. The polis shelters its citizens, grouped by interrelated families, within its walls; harbors its meeting places, assemblies, law courts, theater in its central area; is nourished by its tilled farmland in the agros beyond its walls; is in touch with other city-states through sea-borne commerce and travel; and is politically autonomous, safeguarding its territory through alliances and war.
In Sophoclean tragedy the city is also the focus for the hero’s problematical relation to civilized values. This is especially true of the Theban plays but applies also to Electra and even to the three plays not actually set in a polis, Ajax, Philoctetes, Trachiniae. The first two merely project a polis society upon its extension, the Greek army at Troy. The Trachiniae is properly the tragedy of a house rather than a city, but even here the collapse of civilized values has the destruction of a polis in the background.
The Greek view the human condition, as they view so much else, in terms of a set of spatial configurations, a structure whose spatial and moral coordinates coincide. Man is the threatened by the best world pushing up the below, but he is also illuminated by the radiance of the Olympian god above. Myths of heroes attaining Olympus express the highest possible human achievement. Heroes like Tantalus and Ixion in Pindar, who betray the gods’ trust in them, are sent from the radiance of Olympian feasts to the utter darkness of Hades. The vicissitudes endured by heroes like Pelops and Bellerophon take the form of upward and downward movement,which represents the task of achieving the proper mediation between earth and Olympus, lower and upper realms.
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